
Dancing Arms | Punch Needle Rug Hooking | Los Angeles


dancing arms is a space that celebrates craft & creativity with the utmost enthusiasm.

At the moment, dancing arms features punch needle rug hooking objects designed and created by Emma Irene Olson, though it's likely that this space will evolve over time.

Items are made-to-order (with the occasional inventory drop) using natural or repurposed fibers and materials, ensuring as little waste as possible (tiny yarn scraps are currently being accumulated for a secret future project). 

Designs are original, created by Emma Irene, or adaptations of public domain art.

dancing arms | punch needle rug hooking | Los Angeles

Punch needle embroidery is also known as rug hooking, and it is the traditional process of looping fiber through backing fabric to create textured, functional objects that will stand the test of time. Every item is handmade using Oxford Punch Needles.